Since winter has taken over the UK, it reminded me of something I did over the Christmas period in 2017 when we should have had snow but didn't. Somehow I forgot to write a blog post about it. But you know what they say, 'it's never too late'.
I spent my Christmas enjoying a lovely meal with my partner, after searching for quite a while for a place to eat. Most restaurants are closed on the 25th of December of every year in the UK, especially in smaller cities like Canterbury (Kent) where I live in currently.
But before finding a place to eat and sitting down to enjoy our meal, we walked around in Canterbury and I dropped a few books (My Sister's Bones by Nuala Ellwood, and The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss), among which my own debut novel as well (Velvet Touch). I played the book fairy role and I'm happy I did. I hope I made someone's Christmas nicer, and if you were the lucky one to find my book, I probably made you blush as well.
I hope more people will share books with others because stories have made my life incredibly exciting and made me happy on so many occasions.
If you type in ibelieveinbookfairies on google, instagram, twitter, you will find several photos of people playing the book fairy role. It's fun and you should try it sometime.
I hope you like the photos and if you're one of the people who found the books, please let me know. ;)
My partner is not a fan of being photographed. ;)
Did I mention it was windy but not snowy? :)
It was quite dark in The Olive Grove, the restaurant we had lunch in, but it was beautifully decorated and we enjoyed delicious food, wine and dessert. The service was nice too.
Now I'll leave you with a fun, short video I filmed few days ago when I was really happy about the snow adorning the trees and covering everything with a white, fluffy blanket as if we were in a fairy tale.
Now it's cold and the icy roads are not pleasant to walk on, especially when you have to get to work, so I'm looking forward to see spring show its face with all the beautiful colors and warmth that comes with it.
As always, take care of yourselves and have a lovely day! And happy reading! ;)
Lily (C.L.C.)