For a long time, I believed ALL LIVES MATTER.
I was quite outraged and raised my eyebrows if someone mentioned that statement was and is white privilege. 'How could you say that? I'm not a racist', I would think. I believe the issue was I DIDN'T GET IT. I took it as an assault, or insult, to my persona, not as a fact. My heart and mind were in the right place, but I simply didn't get it. I still have a hard time accepting it because accepting that means we live in a world in which ALL LIVES DO NOT MATTER and that to me is HORRIFYING. ALL LIVES SHOULD MATTER. BUT THEY DON'T.
I've come to realize the statement BLACK LIVES MATTER is more relevant and has always been so. You are revolted at the statement, and wonder why I make this claim. Because we live in a world where not ALL LIVES MATTER, because they don't - BLACK LIVES MATTER less to some - it's been proven over and over and over again - and that, in my opinion, is wrong. And when BLACK LIVES MATTER less, the statement ALL LIVES MATTER should take front center no more.
You can't have a man - GEORGE FLOYD, in this yet another case of brutality - cuffed and pinned down for almost 9 minutes, whispering repeatedly, 'I CAN'T BREATHE', while a police officer - sunglasses on his head, gloved hands casually held on his body, a hint of a smile on his lips - mocks him, pushes his knee on his neck and ignores his plea for air - FOR AIR - causing his death, while other officers are watching, and think ALL LIVES MATTER. The fact is if that man pinned down was a white man, people would yell 'MURDER!' and ask for JUSTICE TO BE SERVED. Maybe even the electric chair. How can we have the law behave like this, again and again, and claim we live in a world in which ALL LIVES MATTER? And all of this taking place in the middle of a pandemic after hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost, no less (367,312 people have died so far from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak as of May 30, 2020, 11:47 GMT).
But ignorance is bliss. Go live in a world in which people are not injured and disrespected and even killed because of their religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, skin color. Go live your life in that world. But you will have trouble finding it. Because we live in this world, in which "ALL LIVES MATTER", yet black people are killed.
I'm so fed up with these killings going on, and the injustice and inequality taking place in the world. I understand the rage, even if I don't agree with the violence of the riots. I understand that when someone takes your air, you want to get it back and get some sort of justice for the wrongdoings.
Please watch the videos from the links below to get an understanding of the situations I'm commenting on and basing my beliefs on. Who knows how many of these incidents happen daily. These, unfortunately, are just a few recorded ones that shouldn't go unpunished, and hopefully, they won't.
BLACK LIVES MATTER. I hope you will get it - soon. It's already been too long. It took me a while to understand and accept the difference between the two statements, but I have finally got it, and although it's upsetting and unsettling, to me it is the truth, THE REALITY WE LIVE IN, the walls surrounding the landscape we build our lives upon, and I can't and won't be quiet about this any longer. Because being quiet is equal to agreeing that what happens is normal and ok. And it's not ok. It's not right.

Please, choose your walls wisely. One day, YOU MIGHT BE TRAPPED within them and your life will depend on them, if it doesn't already. And if you can, please help those who aren't able to choose their walls, because EVERY SINGLE BREATH MATTERS.
Take care,
Crina-Ludmila Cristea.